6. October, 1pm Holywell Music Room
Lunchtime concert – REFLETS DANS L’EAU
Tickets: £15/£10
Sally Beamish’s loving arrangement of La mer casts new light on Debussy’s miraculous sea pictures, illuminating all sorts of hidden detail. There could scarcely be more earthy music than Bartók’s remarkable Contrasts, written for the ‘King of Swing’, jazz clarinetist Benny Goodman. And there are piano fireworks, and more watery marvels, from Debussy (who Bartók regarded as equal to Beethoven and Bach).
Debussy – Reflets dans l’eau; Feux d’artifice; La cathédrale engloutie (Reflections in water; Fireworks; The drowned cathedral)
Bartók – Contrasts
Debussy – La mer (The sea; arranged by Sally Beamish for piano trio)