Sascha Bota, Violist born in Timisoara, Romania was studying with Gérard Caussé in Madrid, with Thomas Riebl in Salzburg as well as with Walter Levin from the LaSalle Quartet for a post graduate quartet course in Basel. Since he has had the opportunity to play in chamber groups with musicians including Thomas Zehetmair, Benjamin Schmid, Leonidas Kavakos and principal players of the Berliner Philarmonie, the Doric Quartet and the Hagen Quartet. As a soloist, he has performed with the Australian Chamber Orchestra, the Zurich Chamber Orchestra and Philharmonia Banatul amongst others. Sascha has been playing as principal  viola with numerous of orchestras such as the Camerata Salzburg and the Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique. He also successfully won auditions for  the Solo Viola of the Zurich Chamber Orchestra as well as the Australian Chamber Orchestra, where he was appointed as a core member shortly after. Sascha is dedicated to jazz and other forms of improvised music and regularly appears at jazz concerts and festivals.
