As violinist and director Hugo imbibes all possible forms of creativity, whether it be performing premieres in Carnegie Hall, improvising with monks in India, or devising innovative programmes for O/Modernt, which he founded in 2011.

Alongside his passion to discover and learn from music of all ages and traditions, Hugo embraces the world of contemporary music. Over thirty works have been written for Hugo by composers such as Erkki-Sven Tüür, Peteris Vasks and Judith Weir. He is artist in resident with the Manchester Camerata and principal guest conductor of the Orchestra da Camera di Perugia.

Hugo regularly gives masterclasses and seminars on violin teaching, and lectures on music-related subjects all over the world. A recent highlight of the past years was a two-week stay in an ashram at the foot of the Himalayas chanting by day and playing Bach by night. Hugo still lives in the blissful state of mobilephonelessness and has recently been captivated by the work of the French philosopher, Henri Bergson.
